Maple Cares
The Maple PTSA is a public charity under U.S. IRS Code 501(c)(3). All contributions to the PTSA are tax-deductible. Tax ID #: 91-1044234
In caring for our whole community, the Maple PTSA began raising funds in May 2020 to support Maple families most financially impacted by COVID-19. We called it Maple Cares. This mission continues as the needs persist.
Through Maple Cares, a dedicated team has been assembled and our PTSA has tangibly cared for our community in the following ways:
Providing grocery cards
Assisting with rent and bills on a limited basis
Purchasing diapers and other household essentials
Collecting donated goods from the community and delivering them to families to meet specific needs
In the 2020-2021 school year, this is what the Maple Cares team was able to do:

We have obtained some funding through grants, but your donations are still urgently needed and are welcomed anytime. No donation is too small or too big!
Thank you for helping us care for our community.
Maple Cares Team provides necessary assistance to Maple families. Please email maplecares4you@gmail.com in your preferred language with specific basic needs you would like to request.
Maple Care 团队帮助 Maple 家庭提供必需品。请使用您希望使用的首选语言向maplecares4you@gmail.com发送电子邮件,告知您特定的基本需求。
El equipo de Maple Cares brinda la asistencia necesaria a las familias de Maple. Envíe un correo electrónico a maplecares4you@gmail.com en su
idioma preferido con las necesidades básicas específicas que le gustaría
Đội Maple Cares hỗ trợ cung cấp cho gia đình Maple những thứ cần thiết. Xin vui lòng gửi email đến maplecares4you@gmail.com bằng ngôn ngữ tuỳ ý với các nhu cầu cơ bản cụ thể.

For specific questions, please email maplecares4you@gmail.com
The Maple PTSA is a public charity under U.S. IRS Code 501(c)(3). All contributions to the PTSA are tax-deductible. Tax ID #: 91-1044234