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In an effort to equitably provide learning tools to students, Maple PTSA will collect family contributions to purchase school supplies in bulk. Family contributions are collected online.
Instead of sending home lists of school supplies, the PTSA will help families order these items in bulk.
Families can contribute between $20-50 per child, whatever amount is within reason for your family.
By doing this, we:
Save time, cost, and effort for individual families.
Allow staff to request and receive exactly what is needed for their classrooms.
Level the playing field for all students!

Frequently Asked Questions
“Why doesn’t the school just provide all the supplies students need?”
Washington State has not fully funded education for our students. Therefore some school supplies are provided, but the funding is not adequate to cover every need.
“Where do all the school supplies come from? What supplies will my money purchase?”
School supplies are divided into three categories: supplies available through the district, supplies traditionally purchased by families for individual classrooms, and additional supplies purchased by teachers.
The supplies purchased through the district by Maple’s administrative staff and the additional supplies purchased by teachers will remain unchanged. Instead of having families provide school supplies for their individual students, Maple PTSA will be ordering supplies in bulk so that the classroom supplies will be fulfilled.
“When and how do I pay?”
For the 2024-2025 school year, families can pay by online through Givebacks. Please contact schoolsupplies@mapleptsa.com if you would like instead to pay in cash/check.
“Are incoming kindergarten families being asked to contribute?”
Yes. Supplies will be purchased by PTSA for kindergarten students in the summer and kindergarten families will be given an opportunity to contribute toward the supplies fund at the beginning of the year. Information will be given at the kindergarten orientation as well as the first few weeks of school. Families are welcome to start giving now.
“Are you sure this is saving money?”
With lists of supplies in the past, families typically spent up to $100 per student (and sometimes more). By buying in bulk, we are significantly reducing that price. Despite buying brands that tend to last longer and investing in some sturdier items, such as rulers and calculators, the bulk discounts available help us save money for all families.
“What if I can’t afford this?”
Please don’t worry. Pay what you are able.
“So, does my student still need to bring anything from home?”
Your student will still need a backpack (and a lunch box if your student brings lunch). If you need help with getting a backpack, please contact Ms.Robin Lee. Classrooms where snacks are provided may ask families to contribute by bringing snacks.
“What if I don’t want to participate? Is there a list of supplies I can buy?”
There will no longer be school supplies lists. However, there is no obligation to participate. If you would like to bring school supplies, please contact your child’s teacher for their specific classroom needs.
“Why did this program get started?”
In recent years, Maple PTSA leaders have heard from parents who asked us to address the inefficiency and potential inequity of the school requiring each family to individually fulfill the supplies list. Before initiating this program, we looked at the experience at other schools and took into account that Maple staff have long had to find ways cover the needs of families unable to purchase the items on their child’s supplies list.
We hope this program will create convenience as well as equity among classrooms. The Maple PTSA is committed to ensuring that every student has the pencils, paper and so many other items they’ll need for a great year in school.
“Will the cost be the same each year?”
We don’t expect dramatic year-to-year changes in the suggested payment. Note that we purchase some items because they should last longer than cheaper versions. We seek to provide the best quality items at an average cost to families.
“I have more questions about this program, who should I ask?/Wow, this program sounds amazing, who do I contact if I would like to volunteer to help?”
For all questions or suggestions, please contact Jessica Scarpino at schoolsupplies@mapleptsa.com.
Financial Contributions
This school supplies program is done in place of families having to provide school supplies individually, so your contribution is crucial. Families can contribute between $20-50 per child, whatever amount is within your capability. If you would like to contribute more to cover the costs of school supplies for other students, we thank you for your generosity! You can contribute toward the school supplies fund by paying online through Givebacks (you do not need an account).